Reaction Details
Reaction: Thumb
(S)-malate + NAD+ ↔ oxaloacetate + NADH + H+
External Links:
PseudoCyc Reaction ID:MALATE-DEH-RXN
  • Guha A, Englard S, Listowsky I (1968). "Beef heart malic dehydrogenases. VII. Reactivity of sulfhydryl groups and conformation of the supernatant enzyme." J Biol Chem 243(3);609-15. PMID: 5637713
  • McReynolds MS, Kitto GB (1970). "Purification and properties of Drosophila malate dehydrogenases." Biochim Biophys Acta 198(2);165-75. PMID: 4313528
  • Wolfe RG, Neilands JB (1956). "Some molecular and kinetic properties of heart malic dehydrogenase." J Biol Chem 221(1);61-9. PMID: 13345798